America’s Next Top Model, C14E01 Recap: “Be My Friend, Tyra!”

Confession: I have an unhealthy love for “America’s Next Top Model.” I started watching in Season — excuse me, Cycle Two and haven’t missed a cycle since.

The only only thing that detracts from my enjoyment of the show is that I don’t have anyone to complain about the delicious ridiculosity of the show with. But that’s what the internet is for, right? I am so totally going to recap every episode I get to watch.

Ostensibly, the purpose of this blog is to review books for Cannonball Read and possibly show off my writing chops to potential clients. But who am I kidding? This feature is for me. Just for me.

By the way, consider this a spoiler warning for the rest of the season cycle . Obviously, since this is a recap, I’m going to give away who makes it and who doesn’t.

Not that the pictures of the finalists aren’t already up on the CW website, either.

Vielen Dank to Intern Rusty, by the way. It’s only thanks to Pajiba After Dark that I was even aware that it was premiering tonight. Thanks, Rusty!

Here we go!

So, AndrΓ© Leon Talley is joining the judging panel and, I have to admit, that’s pretty schweet. And I’m rather excited. There are going to be a lot of capes this season, ladies.

First look at the hamsters. I’m just going to go contestant by contestant and try to cluster all of my comments about them until the first cut.

And here’s Tyra. I must admit, Tyra is lookin’ guuuuooooood. Didn’t nobody ever say girlfriend wasn’t FEEEEEAAAAHHCE. But a cutout blazer? I’m sure The Fug Girls are faint with horror.

Ooh, I really love Jay Manuel’s suit. And I really hate Jay Alexander’s wig.

OMG, it’s ANGELEA FROM LAST SEASON. Dude, does Tyra pick the ghettoest girls on purpose or WHAT? And she is just as abrasive and arrogant as last year. And just as plain, too. She says that she’s done some research since last Cycle. Okay, so you know one model and you mispronounced “Givenchy.” Anyone with access to the internet can do that.

Naduah. She sounds vaguely Australian to me, but says that her accent is funky because her parents are from all over Europe. Speaking of those lovely people, she was born into a cult where she was sexually abused as a child. MAN, that cult was messed up. She’s got a Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta vibe. Like, in a good way. She is beautiful. Aww, she drew a portrait of Tyra, which Tyra claims she’s going to frame. Yeah, she’s going to frame it. Frame it with the garbage can. Excuse me, the recycle bin. Tyra is all about going green, people! Seriously, that sucks about Naduah’s childhood, though.

Bald can be pretty tasty.

Danielle. Danielle has a lot of face piercings. She says that you don’t have to look “cookie cutter” to be a model. Honey, a few piercings does not an “original look” make. She’s trying to look very tough and hard, but her demeanor is so painfully mousy. She says she’s edgy, but she acts so awkward and uncomfortable that it makes me want to strap her to a yardstick to make her stand up straight.

Hallie. Hallie informs us, “I am a spoiled brat.” Yes. Yes, you are, indeed. She looks like Kate Mara. Later, she stands off to the side gossipping with Danielle. I’m sure that she hooked her claws in poor, mousy Danielle and prevented her from making friends with anyone else. She’s picking out all the people she doesn’t like and obviously pointing them out to Danielle. Those other girls are totally going to notice this and hate her and, collaterally, Danielle for it. She explains to Danielle that “we Southern girls are classy” enough not to be trash. Yes, Hallie. Ragging on people right in front of them isn’t trashy at all. And everyone know that a trailer park accent just screams high society.

Another talentless girl, but in ginger.

Gabrielle. She dives right in with this li’l gem: “I stand out from the other girls because I’m biracial. I can pass as black. I can pass as white.” Uh, you can pass as a skank. What is with this girl and her obsession with being biracial? AHAHAHA… she just informed Angelea: “We’re both gonna make it, or only one of us is gonna make it.” Duh, honey. Duh.

And it’s right back to the biracial thing. Dude, she is OBSESSED. She tries not to cry as she confesses to Tyra that people make ignorant comments about her dad not being her dad or her sister being adopted. Yeah, people make ignorant remarks. You’ve made quite a few already. They ask her if she thinks Angelea is her competition. She honestly replies that she does. At least she was honest.

Simone. She’s cute in a wholesome way (which, after some of these hood rats, I could use), but she’s a li’l too beauty pageant. She looks a little like Aisha Tyler. Oh, and she’s experienced being an outsider because she’s, like, totally the only girl in her sorority that’s black. She says that she wants to be either a Victoria’s Secret model… or Hilary Clinton. Okay, I know that beauty and brains aren’t mutually exclusive as a rule, but in this case, she’s kinda boxed herself in. I’m going to take a wild guess and say that the whole Hilary Clinton probably ain’t gonna work out.

Is this the future of American politics? I'm gonna guess that it's not.

Raina. Good God, those eyebrows!!! She’s talking about how she had buck teeth as a kid, but it’s her EYEBROWS that she needs to worry about. MY GOD, and her lips in the Polaroid!! “I was not a pretty kid at all” — and still ain’t, really. Good God, those brows. They are trying to take over her face. And succeeding, a little bit.

Jessica. We’ve got another Texas beauty pageant queen. She’s pretty, but not really memorable to me.

Brenda. She’s this Cycle‘s requisite ginger. The way she talks reminds me of somebody, but I can’t figure out who. Her teeth scare me.

Alasia. Apparently, she became a Christian a few years ago. At which point God apparently told her to lie to her church leaders and run off to sell her soul to television. She’s trying to quote a verse. She says it’s “Galatians 20… Galations 20…” It’s Galatians 2:20, honey. Despite that, I like her.. She’s totally this season’s Cycle’s funny hood rat. You know, like Dionne from Cycle 8. Man, she was so funny. I loved her.

Funny hood rats are the best kind!

Krista. She’s clearly this year’s cycle’s mean girl. She’s pretty urrrgly, too. She says that she’s a fierce competitor, and she’s “hungry.” I know you’re hungry, honey. That’s why you’re so skinny.

Aimee. She looks kinda like Blake Lively — until she bares her scary teeth. Apparently, she sings, so Tyra asks her to sing an impromptu song. Tyra warbles, “Whyyyy do you waaant to beeee a tooop mooooodeelllll?” And Aimee trills back, “Beecaauuuse it woul beeee a verrry niiice thiiiing to dooooooo.” Okay, she’s not going to make her living as a songwriter, that’s fo sho.

Triple threat: model, singer, songwriter. Not that she's good at any of them. Just that she does them.

Tatiana. This girl has quite a gummy smile. WOW, so gummy. It keeps getting gummier and gummier. I am afraid.

There’s an uncomfortable level of bad chompers in this competition.

Jeanna. OOH, I kinda love Jeanna. I love plus-sized models and their plus-sized personalities. They shouldn’t win, though, unless they actually outmodel the other girls (unlike Whitney from Cycle 10. Who, by the way, is not only not a worthy winner — whatever that really means — but, by some accounts, is not really a plus-sized model).

If this is America's Next Top Model, then I'll eat my hat. Or Whitney will eat it for me because, GEEZ, she's starving.

Moving on.

Nida. She is Pakistani and GAWGEOUS. And girlfriend has a sick bod. She wants to show other Pakistani girls whose parents disapprove of her “career choice” as her parents do that they, too, can make their parents regret sacrificing everything to move to America by stripping down to their skivvies for fifteen minutes of fame.

Alexandra. Her body is pretty sick, I’ll admit, but she’s the kind of plus-sized model I hate — the kind who has no real personality aside from “yeah, I’m a big girl, and I was captain of the cheerleading squad and Homecoming Queen and graduated top of my class and I can do everything to compensate for the fact that I love cheeseburgers.”

Speaking of which:

That’s right, Rowles. You can’t touch me in my own domain.

Anslee. She reminds me a little of Cassandra from Cycle 5. She’s pretty, but not all that memorable. She says she is fierce and then tries to prove it with some scary poses.


Okay, so we’ve got our first elimination coming up. Oh, Alasia. You are hilariously stupid and I hope you make it through.

The girls are told that they can check and see if they’ve made the first cut. There is lots of screaming and pushing and running to computer screens to rock music.

Aww, Nida was declined, but she’s handling it like a pro. And mousy Danielle didn’t have the personality to make it through, despite all the piercings and tats. She is handling the news quite badly. She sinks dramatically to the floor and — oh, and they have to blur out her London/France region. And — NOOOO. Girl, NOOOO. Never sink dramatically to the floor in a miniskirt. But I feel bad for the poor girl. She seems like the kind who will cut herself and start working in sleazy bars because she isn’t “good enough.” Honey, maybe you’re not good enough for “ANTM”, but that just means you’re still good enough for law school. Or Walmart.

So who’s left?

Raina’s eyebrows tell me that she must go home while her mouth tells me that she must not. I am sure that this means that she made it all the way to the house.

Now the remaining candidates have to do a photoshoot in which they have to evoke a supermodel. They are to do their own makeup to look like the supermodel they’ve chosen.

Hallie smugly announces that she is going to be Vlada Roslyakova. I’m sure she pored over a lot of fashion mags before finally deciding that Vlada’s last name was long enough to impress the Jays. Her shoot is mediocre at best.

You'll have to do more than correctly pronounce her last name to impress ME.

Angelea decides to go with Agyness Deyn, who is so not like Angelea that it makes me laugh. You see, sometimes, when you compare yourself to someone who is miles better than you, it makes you seem like an utter amateur.

Just like Angelea, but blonde. Oh, and she can model.

Ooh, and there is lots of awkward posing going on. This is so not pretty.

Tatiana picks Ed Hardy’s Tart of the Year, Megan Fox, who is decidedly not a model. The Jays purse their lips and berate her for failing to choose an actual model. “This isn’t America’s Next Top Celebrity,” chides Jay Manuel. Notice that he didn’t say, “This isn’t America’s Next Top Actress,” either.

It's sad when looks and talent are inversely related.

Angelea judges Tatiana for not knowing better than to choose Megan Fox. I then judge Angelea for the ridiculous purple outfit she has on.

Alasia chooses Naomi Campbell, because that is apparently the only black model she can think of. The Jays call her on this, exclaiming that “Naomi would neh-vurr pose like this,” with her arms over her head. They ask Alasia to name her favorite campaign of Naomi’s. Alasia is embarrassed because she can’t think of a single one except for “buhbuhbuh…” She should have thrown a phone at the Jays and made a mad dash for the exit.

Can YOU name your favorite Naomi ad campaign?

Krista smugly judges Alasia for not knowing more about Naomi Campbell and I can’t wait for her to fall flat on her face doing something. Because you know that’s gonna happen eventually. Because this is “ANTM”.

Oh, Alexandra. She’s chosen Cindy Crawford and, to make that clear to everyone on Mars, she has drawn a giant mole on her face. It looks more Fred Savage in Goldmember than Cindy Crawford. Cindy would not approve. But, apparently, she does a good job of asking herself, “What would Cindy do?” because she nails the Cindylike poses.

But, still:

I mean, come on.

Gabrielle chooses Freja Beha Erichsen, which is actually a pretty good choice — she kinda looks like her and is able to pose like her. Somebody actually did do her homework.

Freja Beha Erichsen: ur doin it rite.

Krista is next and takes the easy way out by choosing Giselle. Jay says that she’s doing it well by arching her back. I say she could be doing any number of celebrities on the red carpet.

It doesn't take a genius.

Naduah picks Kate Moss, and she does it rather well. They have a similar waifishness. And, possibly, coke habit.

Well, coke is good for keeping skinny, I guess.

Finally, Raina chooses Adriana Lima. They have nothing in common but their eyes, which have a similar intensity — powerful in Adriana; just plain scary in Raina.

You have no idea how difficult it was for me to find a semi-modest picture of this woman.

Poor Alasia. I need you to stay in for the comic relief. I hope you stay.

Tyra and the Jays get together to talk about final cuts. Once again, Tyra is looking hott.

They think Alasia’s profile pic is weak senior photo. They are correct.

Alexandra’s shot is bad; she’s going for a slouchy look, but it makes her
paunch look quite paunchy.

They talk about the “planes” of Angelea’s face. I think it’s more like the “plains” of her face because she doesn’t look at all remarkable to me. But that might partially be influenced by the fact that I’ve also heard her speak.

EWWW, Anslee’s profile pic is nasty. Her supermodel pic is decent, but unremarkable.

Jay says that he loves Brenda’s body. But her legs be lookin’ SHAWT to me.

Gabrielle impressed Jay. Her walk was good, and she seemed to know a lot about fashion. I actually have to agree.

They think that Hallie’s look is not fresh. Got that right, Tyra. In some of these shots, she looks about forty.

I love Jeanna’s personality, but the judges think that her photos were “meh,” and I have to agree.

They call Jessica a pageant girl (called it!) and wonder if she can be made edgy. Groan, that means she’s most likely in.

Simone’s model photo is not bad. Once again, I think she’s cute. But she probably won’t win.

The judges like Krista’s walk and personality. Her model shoot is decent, but her face is le nasty.

Naduah pretty much nailed it. Shoo in! She probably won’t win, though. And the fact that I think she’s pretty good more or less clinches that.

Raina — very Teen Magazine. That’s who she looks like: DENISE RICHARDS! Sarina knows what I’m talking about. But, unlike Denise Richards, girlfriend has no waist. Scary.

Even in the 80s, these eyebrows scared the crap outta me.

Tatiana’s hair be GREASY. The judges have concerns about her not taking modeling “seriously.” As seriously as you take yourselves? No, probably not.

I must be fully under the sway of the show because Ms. Jay’s ginormo rosette is starting to look kinda cool to me.

TYRA, you look SO GOOD. I’m as shocked as anyone.

So here’s our in list:

— but there’s no way she’s making it all the way. Lord, Angelea’s already crying. They’ve only called two people.
Tyra keeps getting whisperier and whisperier.
Tatiana. Man, those canines are scary.
Alexandra. MEH.
Krista. She cries. Apparently, she’s been trying out since Cycle 1, which I find kind of pathetic. That also means that girlfriend must be pretty old.
Brenda. When she cries, she’s all red, as Josie Pye once said to Anne Shirley.
Alasia — YAY! It’s going to be a funny season!
Anslee cries and is generally unremarkable.
Gabrielle. Which, of course, means that Angelea’s in. Guaranteed catfights, y’all! Aww, I’m sad that Jeanna’s not in. Well, as sad as you can be for someone you’ve only seen on TV for, like, three minutes.
And, sure enough, our last contestant is Angelea.

I’m so glad Hallie’s not in. There’s only so much pettiness i can handle in one season, and Krista and Angelea are sure to provide plenty of drama on their own.

Hallie’s sure that she should have made it. That makes me guffaw. Aimee’s scary teeth faintly attempt a lame song: “Goodbyeeeeee; it was niiiiice — ” and then the camera cuts her off. I wouldn’t bank on that post-ANTM music career, honey.

The hamsters will be going to NYC, where a new girl will be handpicked to join them. New girl? Hmm, interesting. Upon hearing this, all of the girls look apprehensive. They are all dreading the devil they don’t know. But, for now, they celebrate their momentary victory. Awkward dancing ensues.

OOH, the premiere is 90 minutes long?? I’ve gotta go and record “Modern Family” (if you’re not watching it, begin doing so IMMEDIATELY. This show is TEH OSSOM).

Jessica had make a lot of sacrifices to come on ANTM. She had to leave her husband and baby behind. And yet she found room in her suitcase for the ugly hat she’s wearing.

Gabrielle has an ugly head wrap. So does Angelea. Is this the Cycle of the Ugly Headgear? It’s like bad hat after bad head wrap after bad head wrap, here.

Oh, who am I kidding? It’s always the Cycle of the Ugly Headgear.

The girls meet at Madame Tussaud’s in NYC. Simone pronounces “Tussaud” correctly, and I am impressed. They are greeted by a creepy wax figure of Johnny Depp. A man then comes up and starts snapping pictures of them.

OH, GOD, it’s that tool, Perez Hilton. Only a few of the girls recognize him and they halfheartedly scream in glee/fear. His hot pink sweater hurts my eyes. Johnny Depps’ wax figure does not approve. And he mispronounces “TOO-SOD.” I do not approve.

Anslee’s got an ugly head wrap. That’s four so far.

We flash back to footage of “The Tyra Show” that shows Tyra’s interview with Perez. They made a deal: if Tyra let him come on “ANTM”, he can’t cover celebrities’ kids for six months. Why do you care, Tyra? You ain’t got none. And yo hair in that clip is nasty.

Inside Madame Tussaud’s (aside: someone comments that wax figures freak her out. I am inclined to agree), the girls meet the final contestant: Ren. She’s twenty-two years old and from Dallas and she’s a “free spirit” who “can’t be caged.” She is Winona Ryder circa Heathers. I kinda hope she’s been planted there like a mole, to tattle on the girls to the judges. OOH, or unintentionally kills them!

Keep an eye on your valuables, girls!

Perez tells them they need work. “Look in the mirror,” I growl under my breath. “I want fierce” he blahs unconvincingly. Makeovers.

They pile into the ANTM limo. I hate limos. They’re so uncomfortable to get in and out of. But I do love pillows, and this limo is festooned with them. The arrive at the Sally Hershberger Salon.

Jay Manuel is wearing a bow tie. It is quite twee. He tells them where they are. They cheer. I’m sure they have no idea who she is. Especially Alasia, haha.

Gabrielle says that she is ready for whatever they throw at her, and that she wouldn’t mind looking like Dennis Rodman. Oh, honey, be careful what you wish for.

Is this really what you want, Gabrielle? REALLY?

Anslee nervously confesses that she doesn’t want her hair cut. BWAHAHAHA. This is Cycle 14; don’t you know better than to say that?

Once more for good measure: I can’t get over how good Tyra looks. Looks like someone cut back on her baby back rib intake.

Here are the makeovers:

Ren gets edged out with a fringy cut. Transformation to Winona Ryder 95% complete. She just went from 1989 Winona to 1994 Winona. OH, GOOD GOD. Her armpits!! NOOOOO!!!! Ren claims that she never shaves her pits in support of women’s rights. Her logic is just stunning. Ren’s support of women’s rights drift gently down to the salon floor with her pit hair. She looks good afterwards, though. Very Shalom Harlow.

Will she shoplift the title of America's Next Top Model?

Gabrielle is now very blond. Kinda like Foxy Cleopatra, but not as fierce.

I kinda dig this hair.

Krista’s up next. According to Tyra, her cheekbones will CUTCHA. I’m sure that she will cut you in a more direct way if you cross her. She gets a fake clip-in ponytail. Boring. Ooh, she makes a face — she doesn’t like it. But Tyra is feeling magnanimous and doesn’t punish her for questioning Tyra’s omniscient judgment by shaving the girl’s head. I kind of wish they had, though. That would’ve been fun.

Alexandra gets “fiercely real hair” to go with her fiercely real body. Basically, she gets a few highlights and a blowout. That’s not a makeover. That’s a touch-up. Her lipstick is pale and atrocious.

Simone’s current look is too safe and needs some edge. I actually agree. The sides of her head are shaved, and she actually looks GREAT. She looks — dare I say it? Fierce.

Brenda becomes Ugly Head Wrap #5. Tyra thinks she’s too sexy, so they’re going to cut her hair. And, of course, she cries. You know, the last few Cycles, we haven’t had all that many criers. I was starting to miss it. Brenda’s hair is short like Halle Berry’s. They comfort her by telling her, “Your hair made you look a little older.” And now she looks a little more masculine.

Would you like this better in ginger? I wouldn't.

Angelea judges her for crying over the haircut. I promptly judge Angelea for her ugly head wrap. Judge not lest ye be judged, Angelea.

Brenda thinks her hair was her best asset. She looks scary in her pic, but not because of her hair. It’s because of her face.

And now for Naduah. Ooh, it’s ANASTASIA, of professional eyebrow fame. Oh, no, they made her eyebrows peed-on-snow blonde. I hope she can carry that off. Naduah flogs the cult horse again. I’m sure she’ll be hard-pressed not to talk about it. But she is striking. I wish they hadn’t washed out her lips, though. They look dry.

Angelea gets a long, blonde weave, a la Heidi Klum. She looks great — until you see her face, and then hear her talking about how FIIIIEEEEERCE she looks. Proof positive that you can take the girl out the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out the girl.

Raina is getting “chocolate locks” (a look I actually love), but they are not touching her Martin Scorcese brows because Tyra loves them. She does look better, though. They give her lips like the Joker. Like, Jack Nicholson Joker, too.

Wait 'til they get a load of ME.

Alasia is gonna be ferocious. She gets curls, and she looks so cute. It actually looks good. She gushes that she looks girly because her hair is curly. She then explodes with enthusiasm because girly and curly rhyme.

Anslee cries as she realizes they’re going to cut off all her hair. But, ooh, she looks good. She sees high fashion in the ‘do, which Jay also does, and so do i. Her new hair is GREAT.

Tatiana is getting a gold weave. She looks very generic except for the black lipstick they give her in the photoshoot.

Jessica gets chocolate brown, too, and the color is great on her. It doesn’t do much to distinguish her, from the crowd, though. She’s still a generic beauty queen.

Now that the makeovers are done, the girls move into the loft.

Alasia remarks, “That crib is ill.” She wants to have a rave in the tub. I’m sure she would, too.

Angelea is looking… not good. The hair just accentuates her ghetto fabulosity, and not in a good way.

Anslee looks like a chemo patient when she pulls her hair back. She should leave it in her face.

Angelea is already stirring up trouble with Anslee about closet space. So we’ve got one conflict so far and the girls have been in loft for about fifteen minutes. Way to assert your dominance, Angelea!

The girls eat breakfast and are tensely quiet. Brenda complains about the negativity that Angelea brings. She gripes, “We don’t need that in the competition right now,” as though there might be other times at which Angelea’s negativity would be more conveniently received.

Angelea demonstrates what she calls the “b****, please” look to us. Multiple times. I realize that this is how I’ve been looking at Angelea every time she’s onscreen.

Alasia takes Angelea to task for being mean to Brenda. Krista conveniently walks by and forces her way into the conversation.

Ren complains about the fighting. She actually CRIES about it.

Angelea condescendingly informs Alasia that she’s young and accuses Alasia of judging Angelea before gettin to know her. That’s rich, considering how many times I’ve already had to judge Angelea for judging the other girls.

Alasia declares that she won’t hang out with Angelea and Krista. Krista accuses Alasia of being fake. She has pre-judged Alasia. Alasia gets mad. She says that she’s getting her “chocolate a**” outta there, and it’s quite hilarious.

Krista and Angelea self-righteously shake their heads at Alasia’s immature behavior. Krista bemoans it in particular because she and Alasia are the only “chocolate” girls in the competition. And now I totally want to eat one of the three chocolate roses that my sister got from the kids in her classroom for Valentine’s Day.

That’s two fights for Angelea in the first episode, and one each for Anslee and Alasia. Jessica says, “It’s not cool to fight.” This tickles me immensely for some reason, and I teehee about it for a good, long while.

Tyra Mail! “Top models get maximum exposure. You must learn how to cover yourself.” Is this another makeup challenge? Or are they modeling Snuggies?

First photoshoot. How long is this show? It’s gonna take a while to finish a photoshoot, and it’s almost 9:30 already. They’re going to be modeling pieces by Custo Barcelona. Modeling them for whom?

Jay shows them a mannequin with a bunch of clothes and accessories draped all over it. The challenge is this: each girl gets to pick one item and wear it for the shoot — but that’s all they’ll be wearing. It’s a nudie shoot! And it’s over! Ahh, that was satisfying.

Next week: the nude photoshoot. Alasia gets into her second fight (third fight overall). Her victim is Ren. I’m sure it’ll be ghettotastic.

And now that the episode is over, here is a rundown of the makeover photos. I’ve ranked them from lowest to highest in my opinion. I’ve also taken the liberty of using MS Paint to make the outfits a little more modest — and, in my opinion, a little cuter because Lord knows that the high-cut leotard should stay in the annals of 80s history, where it belongs.

I judged these based on how much the makeover improved the girl’s look, as well as how well the girl pulls off the new look in the photo.

13. Brenda.


Guess someone stole her Lucky Charms.

They gave the poor girl a boy cut, and wardrobe made the unfortunate to dress her in green. Now she looks like a tranny leprechaun dancing back-up in a Jane Fonda workout video from the 80s.

12. Krista


Quick, somebody call He-Man!!

You can’t just slap a ponytail on Skeletor and call it “high fashion.” She’s so skinny that I’m afraid she’s going to try to eat me.

11. Alexandra


Business in the front... business in the front.

Alexandra is lucky that I painted over these photos because this nice, black skirt covers the unfortunate things that those shiny, red tights were doing to her real-woman thighs.

Her “real woman hair” is just boring to me.

10. Angelea


A good photographer makes a world of difference.

Angelea actually looks much better in this photo than she did in the rest of the episode. Here, her hair just looks sleek and straight. In other portions, it looked stringy and very much like a bad wig. Even so, she still looks like a tranny.

9. Tatiana


Just be thankful she's not smiling.

Tatiana’s blonde makeover was boring, but still an improvement on the stringy hair she was previously sporting. But can we stop talking makeovers for a second and talk about gums? Being the oral hygiene freak I am, I know that gum recession is a serious problem. But Tatiana’s got the opposite problem, here. If her gums continue to aggressively attack her teeth, she may not be able to chew her food for much longer.

8. Raina


Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

This is the Joker pic I was talking about earlier. You need to see the close-up to see how Jokery her lips really look in this pic. That said, I think the dark hair suits her better than the blonde did, particularly because they don’t dare to contradict her eyebrows the way her blonde hair did. I’m a little sad that her hair didn’t win its battle against The Eyebrows, but there’s little you can do to fight evil in its purest form.

7. Naduah


Somebody get this girl some lip balm, STAT!

I actually love Naduah’s look. But she looks awkward in this pic, and the fact that they gave her peed-on-snow blonde eyebrows makes me sad for her.

6. Jessica


Who designed that adorable dress?

So, I like Jessica better with brown hair. But chocolate locks aren’t enough to edge out a beauty queen, really. And my favorite thing about this picture is how cute the dress I made her is. I would totally buy this dress.

5. Alasia


I feel girly when my hair is curly!

Alasia’s hair looks cute; much better than the funkiness she was rockin’ earlier. And I just love how hilarious she is, so she gets to be in the middle of the pack by default.

4. Anslee


Cassandra gone right.

I love Anslee’s hair. It looks SO much better short and blonde. I feel like ANTM finally accomplished what it set out to do to Cassandra in Cycle 5. Oh, ANTM. I’m so proud of you!

3. Gabrielle


Biracial! Biracial! Biracial!!

I’m sure Gabrielle is thrilled with her new makeover. It’s the height of biraciality — the blonde fro. And I have to admit, girlfriend is wearing it well. She looks good here; it’s one of the better pictures.

2. Ren


Girl, interrupting.

For all the whining and moaning I did about Renona Ryder, I have to admit that she has a Look, and it’s quite stunning. She looks great with her new hair, and is ROCKIN’ the ruby red lipstick. And the li’l dress I made her looks FABULOUS on her, too. Forget ANTM, I should start watching more “Project Runway”!

1. Simone



I love this look. I love Simone’s new hair — it totally does away with the “pageant queen” vibe I was getting from her before. She’s totally rockin’ it out, and she looks amazing. And the li’l red number I made her is HOTT. I would totally buy this one, too.

So that’s it for my opinions this week. I have so many opinions that it took me a full two days to write them all out, but it was a heck of a lot of fun, so I’m satisfied.

I can’t wait until next week!!


  1. B Said:

    I was searching google to see if anyone else agreed with me that Raina looks like Denise Richards, and I am SO GLAD THAT YOU DO! I was beginning to despair that I was alone 😦
    Anyway, just by reading this post, I may have begun an affair with your blog. You’re very funny, your commentary was pretty much spot on (except I can’t stand Alasia, oh well), and the whole post was written very well. Can’t wait to read more!

    P.S. I died laughing when you said, “If her gums continue to aggressively attack her teeth, she may not be able to chew her food for much longer.” Ahahahahahhaha ❀

    • Thanks for the comment, B! It’s really gratifying when someone says that they enjoy your writing. πŸ™‚ Thanks for making my day. πŸ™‚

      Hey, and if you wanna read my recap of the second episode, it’s up and ready to go! πŸ™‚

  2. 2leep Said:

    How Come I never ran accross your Blog you’ve got some Good Commenting Skills and I appricate your effort a Lot Keep it coming

    • Glad you enjoyed it, 2leep! Thanks for the comment, and if you wanna read the update for Episode 2, it’s up! πŸ™‚

  3. […] cut back to the end of the last episode, and Jay says that this is their first official photoshoot. Uh, I seem to remember a makeover […]

  4. […] cut back to the end of the last episode, and Jay says that this is their first official photoshoot. Uh, I seem to remember a makeover […]

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